一、论文与论著 (1) 1. 蔡成欣*, 宁博,周路人,梁俊燕,秦瑶,楚杨阳,王兆宏.局域共振型五模超构材料的低频声波调控方法.中国材料进展,2021,40(1):034-47.(北大核心) (2) Cai Cheng-Xin*, Chen Shao-Geng, Wang Xue-Mei, Liang Jun-Yan, Wang Zhao-Hong. Phononic band structure and figure of merit of three-dimensional anisotropic asymmetric double-cone pentamode metamaterials[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2020, 69(13): 134302. (SCI检索) (3) Chengxin Cai*, Rong Guo, Xuemei Wang, Fuyan Sun, Zhaohong Wang, Zhuo Xu. Effect of anisotropy on the phononic band structure and figure of merit of pentamode metamaterials[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 127, 124903. (SCI检索) (4) Chengxin Cai*, Chao Han, Jianfeng Wu, Zhaohong Wang, Qinghui Zhang. Tuning method of phononic band gaps of locally resonant pentamode metamaterials. [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(4): 045601. (SCI检索) (5) Chengxin Cai, Zhaohong Wang*, Yangyang Chu, Guangshuan Liu, Yucheng Li, Zhuo Xu. The phononic band gaps of Bragg scattering and locally resonant pentamode metamaterials [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50(41):415105. (SCI检索) (6) Chengxin Cai, Zhaohong Wang*, Qingwei Li, Zhuo Xu. Pentamode metamaterials with asymmetric double-cone elements [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2015, 48(17):175103. (SCI检索) (7) Zhaohong Wang*, Chengxin Cai, Yangyang Chu, Guangshuan Liu, Zhuo Xu. Pentamode metamaterials with tunable acoustics band gaps and large figures of merit [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 120(2):024903. (SCI检索) (8) 王兆宏*, 蔡成欣, 楚杨阳, 刘广顺 [J]. 用于声波调控的五模式超材料,光电工程, 2017, 44(1):34-48. (北大核心) (9) Yangyang Chu, Yucheng Li, Chengxin Cai, Guangshun Liu, Zhaohong Wang*, Zhuo Xu. Ultrawide bandgap pentamode metamaterials with asymmetric double-cone outside profile [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51(12): 4125103. (SCI检索) (10) Zhaohong Wang*, Yangyang Chu, Chengxin Cai, Guangshun Liu,Michael R. Wang. Composite pentamode metamaterials with low frequency locally resonant characteristics [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122(2):756-1736. (SCI检索) (11) Zhaohong Wang*, Guangshun Liu, Chengxin Cai, Yangyang Chu, Zhuo Xu. Connection overlap deviation analysis of pentamode metamaterials [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017,50:485102. (SCI检索) (12) 王兆宏*,李青蔚,蔡成欣,徐卓,可用于隔声和带隙调控的五模式超材料,声学学报, 2017, 42(5):610-618. (EI检索) 二、主持或参加科研/教研项目(课题) (1)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(项目号:52003076),三维各向异性五模超材料的低频声波调控方法及其力学特性研究,2021/01-2023/12,24万元,在研,主持 (2) 河南省高等华体会网页版登录入口重点科研项目计划(项目号:20A140008),各向异性三维五模超材料的可调低频带隙及力学特性研究,2020/01-2021/12,3万元,在研,主持 (3) 粮食信息处理与控制教育部重点实验室开放课题(项目号:KFJJ-2020-106),用于粮情探测的二维五模式声学超构表面结构设计,2021/07-2022/06,3万元,在研,主持
三、授权专利 无
四、获得学术奖励 (1) 蔡成欣(4/7),盲人图像触觉识别技术与设备,河南省人民政府,河南 省科学技术进步奖,三等奖, 2020年2月10日,证书号:2020-J-162-R04/07.